cursing the deaf

  I picked up the phone late one evening, and the voice on the other end was that of a colleague of mine.  We had never spoken like this before, and I had no idea that he even had my number.  We worked together for years, but I really didn’t know him...

never give up

  Don’t you ever give up. Ever! It is perfectly natural to want to take a break or sprint towards the end of a shitty day.  To close the book on our failures and many mistakes of yesterday that continuously haunt us.  It is perfectly natural to want...

two hundredth shovel full

  We love round numbers.  Ten.  Fifty.  One hundred.  Two hundred. I love them too. Which is why I am taking this morning to reflect on my two hundredth blog entry. I wrote the first one on January 20th, 2017, a little over eight months...

dearest dad

  I know you can read this and that you miss me too. Life is not easy without you and mom.  It never gets easier missing you but I take comfort in my own family and in what you have done and given me.  I have wonderful memories, a strong moral...

letting go

  I have committed myself to a life of digging ditches.  In the past, I would set goals and go about fluttering, to see them through.  On many occasions, in a very repeatable pattern, since change was often invisible, I would ultimately stop...

love yourself

  Love yourself.  If we were truly honest with ourselves, we would painfully admit that we really don’t love ourselves that much.  Perhaps we like ourselves somewhat.  We put up with ourselves.  But we don’t really love who we are. ...