do what you can

do what you can

Do what you can not what you want and sometimes magically the two will be one and the same. It’s simple really. Do what you can, for as long as you can, as much as you can, when you can, and good things will come your way. If you don’t believe me try it sometime....


There is a natural gracefulness to routine. Like the sun rising each morning, or the natural laws of gravity that keep all of our stuff from floating away on us, routine is a dependable and useful way to reach for our dreams, or get stuff done. That’s assuming you’ve...
positive language

positive language

Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never hurt me. We used to sing those words so innocently at the school yard and I can imagine that some children still do, but who was the misguided person that brought such harmful thinking into our consciousness? It...
counterfeit money

counterfeit money

The best way to spot counterfeit money, if you work at a bank, is to never train or be exposed to much of it. It seems counter intuitive at first, but the truth is that by handling one banknote after banknote of the genuine article, it is not too difficult to spot...
write it down

write it down

Your dreams cannot come true if you keep them chained up in a vacuum. They are not intangible cute little wishes. They are real. They need room to grow and take shape. They need real things to happen in order for them to spring forth. They need you to write shit down....
rule breakers

rule breakers

Rules are very important. After all they were created out of some necessity and help us to be very efficient and orderly. But it’s imperative if we are to experience any growth that they by systematically pushed and broken. We have lots of rules. This morning I faced...