by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Nov 21, 2018
See what you want to see because it’s all made up anyway. The truth is hidden to everyone, if there is even truth at all. I don’t mean that there isn’t any laws of nature that govern us, or that we don’t have a moral conscience. I simply mean that the way we see the...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 30, 2018
I’m a recovering fat boy from days gone by. The perimeter and circumference of my waist is a lot smaller these days, and I no longer sweat on relatively cool days, but my life still feels like I’m losing ground. I feel like I’m letting the fat boy take control of my...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Mar 21, 2018
I wouldn’t have noticed it myself but thanks to a news telecast I happened to walk by last afternoon I learned that spring is upon us. Spring has finally sprung. But strange thoughts ran through my mind. Why does today feel exactly the same as yesterday? Why...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Feb 1, 2018
I had a chance to take my son to his first Toronto Maple Leafs game last night. It was an unbelievable evening, filled with a lifetime of memories, and a five – nothing shutout, is nothing to sniff at either. But the day turned out to be more than a lopsided...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Dec 20, 2017
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Larry in person, but I miss him, now that he’s gone. I didn’t know him that well, and our series of encounters came through Facebook messenger. Over a period of a year or so, sending messages back and forth, here and...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Dec 8, 2017
When you are asked about your day, what comes to mind? Did you awake today to be with people or to take your orders from things? Things to do. Things to analyze. Things to sell. Things. The question is very important and an honest, truthful answer, even more...