I am hoping this week is full of little victories because it seems that I have lost momentum in many of the things that are very dear to me. Nothing is wrong of course, it just feels like I’m in the middle of a lake paddling hard but in no particular direction. Now, it might be this time of year when I’m running around everywhere, chasing kids, working hard, watching sunlight get shorter and shorter and shorter.

I am shifting my focus to little victories.

I am going to write down little, underwhelming things I can do each and every day because momentum is very important. I have set two dates to do the headshots for the cast of Chicago. I need to finish my photography website so that I can move onto marketing. I need to write two quintessential quotable entries, as that part has been slacking over the last few months and I really don’t like it.

I have to get back to recording my podcast introduction and most importantly to not look too far ahead. The work seems enormous sometimes and that paddling in the middle of the lake too real.

But no matter. Here’s to life’s little victories. 

They all add up and together make us amazing people.


Photo credit: https://unsplash.com/@lauren_abrahall