by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 18, 2019
Let’s get one thing straight. There will never be enough time. Period. End of sentence. Feel free to drop the mic right here, but that might be a little over the top. There is never enough time but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get what you want with what you’ve...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 21, 2019
Time is a magical and the strangest thing. It is very predictable. There are sixty seconds in a minute, sixty minutes in an hour and there are twenty four hours. Days turn to weeks, weeks, turn to months, and months turn to years. Yet time is most unpredictable...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Feb 11, 2019
That which is worth building takes some time. It takes time because God wants to know how much you really want it and because things worth building have microscopic detail which most people never take the time to understand or pay attention to. So don’t be so tough on...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 27, 2018
How truly magical is that time in-between Christmas and New Years. I have never noticed it as intensely before but it is a guiding star we need to follow. Time somehow stands still. We know the year and the month and the season, but the days seem to blur and...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 17, 2018
Our time here needs to be redeemed. Far too often we give away and misuse valuable pockets of it and then wonder why we are anxious. We live very organized lives. We spring in alarm, aided by our aptly named alarm clock, at the same time in the morning. We wash, brush...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 12, 2018
You say there is no time. Not enough time to do what you want. There is so little of it, and it always goes by so fast, so what are you to do? Have you ever considered what your own body can do in just sixty seconds? Your body is simply amazing. Take your eyes for...