by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Feb 21, 2019
You are going to get tired but what should you do with it? How should you react and conduct yourself? What you do with tired is very important but first you need to be honest and find out why. There are probably a million different combination of reasons why we get...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Nov 30, 2018
I don’t travel light. I don’t travel with too much baggage either, but I always make sure that I have a book, paper, pens, and a computer so that I can get at things whenever an opportunity presents itself. This doesn’t make me special, but it does make me committed....
by Greg Kieszkowski | Apr 21, 2017
The Hierarchy of Stealing Time The First Circle: The Circle of Untouchability borrow – negotiate – steal 4. mom and dad Honour your mother and your father. That’s a commandment. It’s kind of important. I realize that not all parents...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Apr 13, 2017
A quick review of where we are with the whole hierarchy of circles thingy. I am trying to put together a system of stealing time. I think that this is a noble effort. It’s a humble attempt to find an hour or two, buried somewhere, deep inside our...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Apr 11, 2017
The Hierarchy of Stealing Time The First Circle: The Circle of Untouchability borrow – negotiate – steal 3. Children It is very important to remind ourselves that we have tremendous value. We have all undoubtedly failed at times,...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Apr 8, 2017
The Hierarchy of Stealing Time The First Circle: The Circle of Untouchability borrow – negotiate – steal 2. Spouse If you are married, then at some point, you came to a crossroad and proclaimed a vow to your lover, that they would be the...