next steps

next steps

It’s important to know our next steps but it’s not always easy. There is so many people and so many things competing for our time that it is very difficult to sometimes see the next step and know what we should do. I am of course talking about our dreams, and not the...
keep going

keep going

It never really comes down to how much you know or who you know. That helps of course, without any doubt, but it doesn’t really come down to that. It’s not even how much money you have, or how much education you’ve amassed, or how much natural talent you have. In the...
I don’t wanna

I don’t wanna

You don’t want to and you wouldn’t be the first to say it, too think it, and not do it. I guess there is no shame in that, because it’s common. Very common. So common that there is great comfort in numbers. Millions of people don’t feel like doing things and so...
whatever it takes

whatever it takes

Create a life of doing whatever it takes. Not blindly and unethically of course, but a life that will push you to become someone you might not think you can become. Do whatever it takes, so that you are always growing. Do whatever it takes, so that you leave this life...
one and done

one and done

One and done. It’s an attitude and a highly infectious sickness that is running rampant in the free world and there doesn’t seem to be a cure that could shake us away anytime soon. It’s sad really. With so much opportunity and abundance which is afforded to everyone,...
stay the course

stay the course

Don’t ever stop. Never. Certainly not when you feel tired or when you’re down. Or when you’re frustrated that you are not making any real traction. When you think to yourself that all of this is simply impossible, unattainable, and doomed to fail. Don’t stop. Keep...