by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jul 20, 2018
You sometimes feel like a fraud. You hide yourself away from people and from real experiences because deep down although you want to realize your dreams, you feel that you are not good enough and that you don’t deserve what other people always manage to find. You fear...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jul 11, 2018
Give us your best please. All you. Nothing but you. Flawed and imperfect but never hidden and tucked away somewhere near or far, so that we miss out on knowing you and experiencing what you have to offer. You are irreparable and irreplaceable but you are nothing if...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jun 28, 2018
It sucks ass to be rejected and I’ve struggled with it my entire life. I don’t know why but I am always watching to see if anyone is judging me and I hide to make sure that their words and thoughts cannot reach my fragile being. That is at least how I’ve lived the...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jun 19, 2018
It’s not good to hide and at some point in our lives we all do it. There is this little voice inside all of us that shudders at the thought of being noticed and being the focus of attention. We play a game of tug and war with our lives. On the one hand, we want a...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jun 5, 2018
Playing timid won’t get you anywhere. You don’t have to be a douche about things, but playing shy has never gotten anyone anywhere. Timidity is a a decision. A decision you made a long time ago as a child and a script you have been playing out each and every day. It’s...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 19, 2018
I do it too, just not as often. Not anymore. I don’t know when but I just stopped pretending that things were good when they were not. I stopped pretending that I was lucky when I wasn’t. I stopped pretending that I care when I don’t, and that doesn’t make me much fun...