by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 27, 2019
This has been a soul searching weekend fall of twists and turns. There is a Boudoir photographer from the States that I have greatly admired for years because there is something uniquely beautiful about her style. There is something that tells a story in each one of...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 25, 2019
Today a new journey begins. A journey of fewer words but of new dreams. I originally called this daily work of my ‘ten minas’ after the parable of the ‘ten talents; in the bible. My goal was simple. I set out to prove that I am a indeed a writer by writing. After over...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 23, 2019
The pessimist looks at a half empty glass and is concerned with what is not there. An optimist look at the same half full glass and focuses on what is actually there. A good engineer wonders what the heck is wrong with both of them and begins immediately to work on a...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 12, 2019
Sigmund Freud thought we had a life and a death wish. To competing forces deep inside our being. One that means us well and give us life and one that harms us and brings about our death, or at least a semblance of misfortune. I’m no psychiatrist but I think Viktor...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 10, 2019
Mud is a wondrous creation. Not quite dry earth and not quite wet enough to be a pool of water. Mud is in a state of in between. That not so wondrous time in our life when we are neither here nor there. I live in the in between a lot. I don’t know how to do anything...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 15, 2019
We often mistake dreams and happiness for something that is tangible. Something we can hold in our hand, count, point to and put on display. We mistakenly live our lives thinking we can do happiness or that happiness can be done to us when happiness and the fulfilment...