by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 17, 2019
Many people search for a meaning in their life and some give up on that search. I sometimes wonder if we misunderstand what it means to search. We see it as having figured out what will make us happy and working hard to get there. But the search for meaning is not a...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 5, 2019
I’ve been observing the very rare species of life called the teenager for over two decades now and I have learned that very few of them have the tenacity to expect to win. Even the super bright ones, the ones that excel at every subject and master everything they...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Feb 12, 2019
The greatest discovery you can make today is not to find out what you lack or need but rather what you have and who you already are. The task is easy but it’s not. It seems easy because we live inside our skin all day long. We do nothing else but explore who we are,...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jan 23, 2019
There are no secrets to success, but yet we certainly sell it as such. We talk of special formulas concocted in a dark secret labs, under the nefarious supervision of mysterious men and women who have been sworn to absolute secrecy. We believe that some of us have...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jan 16, 2019
When I woke up yesterday it was just another Tuesday. I woke up before the opportunity clock could strike 4:02am, sparing my wife being woken by an alarm that could shake the depths of hell. I got dressed, I had my protein shake, drove for an hour, and wrote ‘on my...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 26, 2018
The high holiday of Boxing Day needs some rethinking, and if not as a whole society, than definitely as meaningful individuals. I’m not sure how Boxing Day started, and I’m not even going to look it up, but I imagine that some time ago people returned their unwanted...