“Truth that costs nothing is a lie”.

Kś. Jerzy Popieluszko


Like a piece of wood that burns in a fire to provide warmth for us, so it is with truth. Either we are willing to bear its demands and cost, or it is nothing more than a lie.

Lies are somewhat easier to embrace.

Easier to believe. Easier to consume. Easier to spread.

But truth.

Truth is the only thing, that lasts and endures forever.

But there is a cost for truth.


Truth rejects all short cuts and requires much time and effort. She requires constant failure. A perpetual, relentless effort of trial and error. Truth is very demanding. She requires living our lives, unapologetically, and meaningfully.

Truth will cost us much time.

Because life cannot be fooled. She knows the difference between speaking and asking, glancing and seeking, and between timidly tapping and knocking.

Life knows if you have insufficient funds. She knows if you are living your life on credit. She will not eagerly hand you the truth, like adults hand out candy at Halloween.

The pursuit of truth is a journey. A long journey. A journey that will cost you the inconvenience of time, and much enduring effort.

Don’t look at the cost. There is much to be paid if you’re living a lie.

Ask for truth, and she will reveal herself.

Seek her, and you will find her.

Knock and the door will open.

In time. With patience. And a little more time.