“Today you are You,

that is truer than true.

There is no one alive,

who is Youer than You”

Dr. Seuss


Nobody is Youer than You!

That is because you are a special snowflake.

An unrepeatable collection of brush strokes on a canvas. An unrecorded piece of music. An unrecited poem. A light in the darkness. A flame, that is capable of brightening up the stagnant darkness of a human soul.

Before you, there was no you.

Today you are You and that is truer than true.

The world is a better place for having you in it.

Your worth is without measure. Your contribution is real.

It is impossible to count.

How do we begin to calculate the atoms that make up your body? Or begin to understand the many, subtle, hidden ways in which you shaped human history? How do we ever honour your courage, or the tenacity you show in striving to be a better person?

Don’t listen to the assholes who run their mouth with ugly sentiments. To hateful words that don’t create a mouse fart of energy.

Listen to the good Doctor.

Be a better you. A greater you. An even more majestic snowflake.


Today you have a chance at something totally new.

To build and imagine something really true.

This is your moment to count amongst the very few.

Because there is no one alive who is Youer than you.