People are often threatened by change.
The core of their being is fortified and stunted by just the idea of something new. Just watch them. Observe their eyes and their defensive posture. Listen to what they say. Hear what they don’t say. Absorb and listen to their trembling excuses of fear.
It is always scary to look ahead, to go where you have never been. It is hard to move forward, to grow, to adapt, or transform yourself, especially when the comfort and experience of who you are, is right there, calling you back.
You don’t like who you are. Deep down, if you’re honest, you dream of being and living a more purposeful existence. You hope for a new direction. You long for some kind of intervention, a sign in the sky, or perhaps a little push, from someone, anyone, in the right direction.
The right direction.
But there is no right direction.
There is no such thing as the right thing to do, or right place to go, because change cannot be truly measured. It must be lived.
Success is something we are, not something we do. It cannot be measured, because our means of measurement changes with the passing of time.
Sure, you can count your money, your followers, or the square footage of your vacation property. You can count a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean anything. Through it all, you are the only constant. You are the only thing that matters. You are a person who needs to change, if you are to get to where you dream of being.
What do you dream of? Who are you? What is holding your back?
When you were young, you wanted mountains and mountains of candy. As you got older, you wanted a car, or perhaps a beautiful partner that could silence a room with his or her entrance. As you grew older still, you began to measure success by your health, the time you had to do what you wanted, and the people that gather by your side. Tomorrow, you will be different still.
Tomorrow, you won’t want the same things you wanted yesterday. You won’t settle for yesterday, because tomorrow brings with it a new set of glorious possibilities. Tomorrow, your very life will whisper some new possibilities of change.
The more wisdom you learn to embrace, the more you realize that life is about being, and not about doing. There is certainly a myriad of people that appear to better and more successful than you. They have more than you. They were there first. They know something. They managed to carve out their piece of the playground first.
It’s not about them. It’s about you.
You are resisting your own magnificent conversion. You just won’t change. You run and hide. Choosing to be afraid of making a ruckus; of making a real difference. Whatever that difference is, you don’t have the courage to stare down your own greatness. You need to stop running away from becoming and being, who you were always meant to be.
You need to stop being threatened by change.
You refuse to let go. You refuse to embrace the temporary state of failure. You’ve been taught that failure somehow exposes who for who you are, when in fact, it is only a fleeting moment, in an unmeasurable ocean of time.
You seem somewhat arrogant. Arrogant, to think you can learn to hammer a nail with only one, single, momentary, brilliant stroke of execution.
Let go.
Learn to hammer a lot of crooked nails.
Learn to leap.
Learn to fail and expect to fail often.
Learn to walk and dance with fear. To live and salsa with uncertainty.
Embrace change.
In the end, life is nothing but change.