Spring has sprung and I am amazed by its seemingly sudden appearance.  It is definitely here, and you can rest assured that it has unmistakably arrived. 

I found myself this early morning, alone on a dark road, staring blankly into nowhere, waiting for the light to change.  The radio was silent, and my only company was the sound of the engine, idling at a most pleasant solitude.  Even with my windows closed, I was suddenly awakened and for the first time in a long time, I was able to hear them. 

They were loud. 

They were unapologetic. 

They were taking back their rightful place in the world.

It amazes me that I probably missed their return earlier.  They might have arrived nyesterday or the day before, but no matter, that is not important. 

The birds are back.

They have once again resumed and committed themselves to a life of song and mischief.  They are beginning to talk trash again.

I heard them.  They were all talking smack, this morning.

They were singing the praises and uttering fantastical prophesies of the coming of summer.

It was very nice to hear them. 

Deafening even. 

Their return is a most definite welcome.

Those little unassuming birds reminded me that this is the right time to reconnect with our purpose in life.  This is the perfect time to create meaning.  A moment to build new memories.  To take courage.  To dig some ditches.

I want the birds to affect me, all the way down to my soul.

I want to be able to see the early beginnings and the ongoing construction of something great.  Something incredible, that has awoken, and is beginning to rise from somewhere inside of me. 

I want to remain vigilant and silent.  I want to look for signs of change. 

They are certainly there.  They must be there.

I want to hear them, like I finally heard the birds.

I don’t ever want to turn my back on spring.  I don’t want to hide from the coming of summer.

We should all take great comfort in this beautiful morning.

The rulers of the sky are back.

Take courage. 

Embrace hope.

Let go of your unending stories that keep you in the dark, as well as the reasons why you can’t.

You can.

Walk on.

Write new stories.

Perhaps in time, as we walk, we will be given the gift to fly.