by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 1, 2019
Dr. Daniel Gilbert in his book The Pursuit of Happiness, talks about hot and cold states. Our lives are made up of hot and cold states. What that means is that we are either down, on the way down, we are up or we are are going up. Our entire life is made up of being...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 1, 2018
You can’t foretell the future. You can’t think or feel forward. Living is unapologetically undetermined. The future is undiscoverable and brimming with glorious possibilities. Yet, a small part of us remains restless and wants to have answers. We want certainty. We...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 28, 2018
Life doesn’t stop because something happens to you. Magic Johnson It’s not about winning or losing or being well prepared. It’s about the will to keep going. Your ability to mend your wounds and hurts. The ability to choose what you can do about something you...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Jan 2, 2018
You have probably never heard of Jose Mujica. His words and heart felt wisdom continue to haunted me. They have haunted me ever since I heard him for the first time, in the brilliantly magnificent documentary, simply titled; Human. (Not only human, but Human)....
by Greg Kieszkowski | Dec 7, 2017
The very idea of retirement is now not only outdated, but outright barbarous. We have been preconditioned and desperately long for retirement. We all pine for the days when we don’t have to file into work anymore, into our real or imagined cubicles, to follow...