singular purpose

singular purpose

Tbe pursuit of success or anything for that matter is best achieved if you have a singular purpose. When it comes to war, it is impossible to win if you are fighting on more than one front. In the infinite game of life the same rules apply. Having the discipline to...

tenacity of persistence

  Inky Johnson calls it ‘the process’. He says you have to love it or you won’t get anywhere. You have to commit to it and love it. You have to love to edit. Rehearse. Love to practice. You have to push through. Everyday. Without exception. One day at a time....

dumbbell curls

  Bodybuilders call them reps. Repetitions. They feel and grip a heavy dumbbell, curl it up and down, and repeat. They do this over and over and over again. Set after set. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year. A lifetime of repetitions. A lifetime...

one foot in front of the other

  Left.  Right.  Left.  Right.  Left.  Right. Some days are just like that. You wake up with no real clarity of mind.  With staggered thoughts and wild visions.  You wake up with no energy or sense of purpose.  You...