by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 11, 2018
We all search for the meaning of life but the more I search, the more I realize that it’s really a search for meanings, plural, because life is not one big thing, but a lifetime made up of little moments. That was a mouthful, I know, but you made it, so let’s...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 31, 2018
I have ran from silence for all my life. In the car I always had music playing or I would listened to various sports talk programs radio. I don’t recall a time, until very recently, when I allowed my mind to wonder freely while driving for long distances. I am amazed...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Mar 19, 2018
I don’t usually dream. Though occasionally they do seep through, but typically, my head hits the pillow and the next thing I know its time to get up again. Sometimes I sit back and listen enviously as people retell their dreams with such vivid detail, because...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Feb 14, 2018
It hurts, and it stings. Our ability to suffer gets unbearably hard at times. Sometimes it won’t let go. Won’t leave. Won’t ease up. Yet so much of our hurt goes unredeemed and remains dormant. It becomes meaningless. But human suffering is not without its...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Dec 6, 2017
Pain and suffering. It is undeniable that all of us are born to suffer and to experience pain. It is an unescapable part of our human reality. Throughout your life you will experience the sting of living. The loss of someone you loved. The agony of being...