if at first

if at first

If at first you don’t succeed try and try again. And again and again, not because you are lacking but because living and figuring things out is a process. It is a life long process. Success and happiness are states from which and into which we slip and slide out of...

grind it out

  You need to grind it out. Don’t look for a magic formula, a secret recipe, or something that you forgot or mysteriously overlooked. I know grinding it out is not an easy proposition, and it’s not what you want to hear at this moment, but the only way out, is...

don’t lose heart

  Don’t lose heart. Don’t give up, because you just can’t feel forward. The mistakes or the mess that you find yourself in will feel different in the future.  Some of it you’ll forget.  Some you’ll laugh at.  Some, is probably destined to...

a tower of possibilities

  Does positive thinking really work? Yes, but before we can unequivocally answer that question, we need to define what positive thinking really is and it most certainly is not negative thinking (the double negative is most positively intentional)....

the rulers of the sky

  Spring has sprung and I am amazed by its seemingly sudden appearance.  It is definitely here, and you can rest assured that it has unmistakably arrived.  I found myself this early morning, alone on a dark road, staring blankly into nowhere, waiting...