weekend quotable no. 88

weekend quotable no. 88

Don’t wish for it more than you work for it Inky Johnson It’s easy to put your feet up into the late hours of the night, glass of wine in hand, and dream your life away.  Just as easy as it is to escape the frustrating hours of a late afternoon, by wishing for a...
loving the in-between

loving the in-between

Inky Johnson calls it the process and if you’ve never heard Inky Johnson speak, I recommend you remedy your misfortunate ignorance as soon as you can. He calls it the process, others call in practice, I call the in-between. I love listening and watching athletes...

tenacity of persistence

  Inky Johnson calls it ‘the process’. He says you have to love it or you won’t get anywhere. You have to commit to it and love it. You have to love to edit. Rehearse. Love to practice. You have to push through. Everyday. Without exception. One day at a time....

the infinite game

  Life is not a test. But we often treat as one. We live our lives like a set of hurdles to overcome or a predetermined set of instructions to follow. We are always at the ready, to study or to cheat someone or something, in order to achieve better results. We...