by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 17, 2019
Many people search for a meaning in their life and some give up on that search. I sometimes wonder if we misunderstand what it means to search. We see it as having figured out what will make us happy and working hard to get there. But the search for meaning is not a...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 14, 2019
Don’t try to win over the haters; you’re not the jackass whisperer. Brené Brown Haters are gonna hate and a jackass’s are gonna hee-haw, but you will never, ever be a jackass whisperer. Nor should you ever be one anyway because the company you keep is the...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 13, 2019
When we were little kids we loved and believed in fairytales. We loved to hear about beautiful princesses and charming princes, about giants, dragons, and worlds overbrimming with magic. It was a wonderful time in our lives and oh how I wish we could all return to it....
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 7, 2019
Do what you can not what you want and sometimes magically the two will be one and the same. It’s simple really. Do what you can, for as long as you can, as much as you can, when you can, and good things will come your way. If you don’t believe me try it sometime....
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Mar 6, 2019
The dreams we have when we’re sleeping are out of our control and we are mere spectators or pawns in their production. But each one of us has dreams while we are awake. We all have a conscious desire to live a meaningful life and it is in that meaning that we dance...