weekend quotable no. 134

weekend quotable no. 134

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. Erich Fromm   You are a talented and creative person. Don’t deny it, or hide from it, or by bashful as a result of it. You might not have what the world deems desirable at the moment, but desirability is...

deep or wide?

Are you digging deep or digging wide? Pushing far below the surface, or just skimming along the top? And don’t be so quick to answer. Give yourself some time.  Let the questions percolate for a little while. Let them rise to the surface. Summon the courage to...

letting go

  I have committed myself to a life of digging ditches.  In the past, I would set goals and go about fluttering, to see them through.  On many occasions, in a very repeatable pattern, since change was often invisible, I would ultimately stop...

the war of art – part 1

  I have recently discovered Steven Pressfield. His book, The War of Art, is brilliant and cuts to the heart of the matter.  Becoming an entrepreneur or an artist will not be easy and the book doesn't present any quick formulas, nor any magical...