it’s not good to hide

it’s not good to hide

It’s not good to hide and at some point in our lives we all do it. There is this little voice inside all of us that shudders at the thought of being noticed and being the focus of attention. We play a game of tug and war with our lives. On the one hand, we want a...

the endless game

  I don’t see the rain anymore. I feel it and I not blind to it.  I am aware of its existence and I am certainly affected by it, but I no longer see it.  I don’t see Monday’s either. Time has disappeared or at least transformed itself into something...

love yourself

  ‘You Fat Fuck!’ These are the words that ever so quickly flashed in my mind, as I locked eyes with myself, in the change room mirror.  I was somewhat surprised to hear them, given that I have been feeling relatively sexy of late.  It was not what I...