It pains me to say that my desire to write fiction is not working out as much as I hoped it would and that I have not written anything  but that has to change in the near future.

I’m not sure why I haven’t written any fiction but it might have something to do with my full-time job, a wonderful family, and a whole bunch of other commitments I have made to myself like starting and growing a successful boudoir photography business.

I guess I am complaining here and I’m simply unhappy with myself, but I can look at the whole picture and be kind to myself. I know what I want its just a matter of getting down to business because nothing would please me more than to have someone else read and enjoy the character and worlds I will create.

It’s coming. It’s coming soon. I just have to plan it out more diligently and set out to do it. Maybe start with short stories as they can be finished and polished a lot faster than a novel. The good news of course that these little writings keep on rolling and rolling. They just don’t stop and that is what gives me the most hope that sometime in the future, hopefully not the so distant future, I will have written something worth reading and it like the Quintessential Quotables series will become very real as well.

Time will tell.


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