Do the thing that scares you.
I am not suggesting that you should play in traffic, or handle poisonous snakes. You don’t have to go skydiving, windsurfing, or immerse yourself in a pit of slimy maggots. Unless you’re kinky like that, but don’t worry, I won’t judge you.
Do the thing that scares you.
When you are stopped by fear, ignore your natural instincts and chase that bastard down.
Try it!
I know you’ve been here before. You’ve done this before. You have failed before.
There is no use to do it again before. You’ve been told this is not for you before. You started and never finished before. You always mean well, but it ends badly before.
Keep telling yourself the same fucking story and remain where you are, drowning in your own crippling shit.
Ok. So my words may be a touch spicy. Put that on before list too!
Do the thing that scares you.
Do it.
Do it and wait for the world to fall apart.
Do it and brace yourself for impact.
Do it and you will see that the sun will rise tomorrow.
Life is generous and always gives us more than we can imagine. You just have to seize the moment and begin. Start today, push on, and do what has to be done.
Do the thing that scares you.
Or else prepare to die a slow, regretful, and meaningless death.