No, this will not be a journal entry about the storming of Normandy. D day is my sneaky way of announcing to the world that I am starting a new nutritional regiment so it’s Diet Day.
I stepped on the scale today and it said 284lbs but I was not surprised by that since all my big boy clothes are a little snug and my belt thinks I’m putting too much pressure on him (pun intended).
So today is D Day. I have planned this day many times over the last few months and it has always come and gone like early morning mist. Today is different though. Part of the guidance and coaching I am receiving from my photography coaching is a mindfulness coaching. My coaches name is Christina and she is absolutely wonderful. The previous two calls have been about having the right positive outlook on what I am trying to do and finding ways of turning negative thoughts into positive ones.
Last week I decided to share my weight goals, as the body is part of what I am trying to do. I need to be physically fit in order to think better and work more efficiently, not to mention look and feel great.
I told Christina that I wanted to add a nutritional change to my goals and suggested I start Monday. She said something curious that Monday is a mistake and not because it is not a good day to begin but because the word Monday could mean any Monday. She suggested that instead of saying Monday, I commit to July 15th, 2019. There is a Monday every seven days, but there is only one and will only be one July 15th, in the year of the Lord, two thousand and nineteen.
Words matter. What we say, how we say it, and how specific we get matters too.
I am learning for the first time in my life how powerful the mind is and how we can have what we want if we just help enough other people get what they want, as Zig Ziglar beautiful puts it.
Today is D Day. I have chosen to take the next twelve months to change my habits and dependence on food and slim down by some sixty or so pounds. I’ll report on a regular basis and I’ll continue these journals.
It’s time to plan a healthy lunch…
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