Change of pace is coming.

It’s the end of the school year and in a couple of weeks I will welcome the summer break. Everyone always tells me how great it is to get such a wonderful summer vacation, and I agree with them, but my summers are usually working ones.

They are working summers because I don’t slow down. I have dreams and those dreams need getting after. Nobody is going to get at the getting after but me. Ok, maybe it’s not all work. I stay up a little longer and I play a little longer. For a week in early August I also go to Michigan for a Nascar race. A race at which all dietary restrictions are lifted and alcohol consumptions is limitless, if one wishes (not that I’m not in bed by 9 anyway). 

Change of pace is good. It makes me see things differently. It allows me to catch up on things that I need catching up on. This is why I’m busting my ass to retire early. My life is committed to someone else from 7am to 3pm and I want to get that life back. I dream of not being tied down to a clock but to work in pockets of time. To have the freedom to pick this pocket or that, to go here or there. That is my ultimate dream.

It’s coming. Slowly and with hard work, but it is surely coming.

I have never been more confident in who I am and what I am after. I just need to give it time because I don’t know when things are going to change in a big way. 

Change is good.

And the sunny weather helps!


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