by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Apr 26, 2019
I never craved quiet when I was young. Now, I can’t get enough of it. It takes me an hour to drive in to work every morning, and that time was filled with listening to sports analysis, which typically did nothing more than make me angry about things I had no business...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 31, 2018
I have ran from silence for all my life. In the car I always had music playing or I would listened to various sports talk programs radio. I don’t recall a time, until very recently, when I allowed my mind to wonder freely while driving for long distances. I am amazed...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Jan 25, 2018
Being silent is not easy. Finding the time for it is one thing, but summoning the courage to face yourself, in your disjointed mind, is something else. But ignoring yourself and avoiding silence all together, is even worse. Embracing and surrounding yourself...