just quit

just quit

You need to quit. Quit putting the word ‘but’ after many things you say. You would save yourself a lot of time and frustration by just quitting. You know what I mean. I want to lose some weight but its summer and there are all these wonderful patios open. I would love...
no time

no time

There is no time to do anything. Never enough time. Everything moves so fast. There are so many things to do and so many deadlines, but thats only because we place value on the wrong thing. We treat time like its a tool, a thing, a commodity to be used and abused....
not for me

not for me

  Sometimes what we learn as children doesn’t serve us well in adulthood. There are many things that do but I don’t think any of us were sufficiently encouraged to say no. Our parents wanted our obedience, for obvious reason, but while we were kept safe, we overlooked...
the struggle

the struggle

There is a big difference between knowing and doing. A great chasm between understanding something and being able to act upon on it. This is probably why life is so frustrating and rewarding all at the same time, and why I feel the sting of this chasm all the time. I...
what’s the point

what’s the point

Why build when it might fail? Why sweat to see it through? Why should you bother with it, when it might not last? Why work so hard, to have it all fall on deaf ears, be ignored or easily forgotten? Why sacrifice yourself in this cruel way? Why do it? What’s the point?...