by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Dec 10, 2018
Yes. Yes is the word we should be using very often, unfortunatelly, it too often gets smothered by a hesitant maybe. Maybe. Oh, that would be nice. Maybe, yes. It would be so lovely. If only. Just imagine how my life would change. Someday. One day....
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | Jul 18, 2018
Positive thinking is not for the weak of will. It is not just a bunch of happy words, wrapped with a bit of happy prayers, and some kind of invitation to do nothing about anything. Positive thinking is not wishful thinking. Its not a state of blissful, neglectful,...
by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 10, 2018
Life is always in balance. What goes up must come down. What swings left, corrects itself by swinging right. Sunshine emerges after the rain, the moon circles the sun, spring follows summer, and the universe unfolds itself in one, beautiful, endless majestic dance....
by Greg Kieszkowski | Jan 30, 2018
Say thank you. Say it often. Say it without the use of clichés and dare to say it in writing. Don’t just do it instinctively but also methodically and don’t worrying about how you might appear, or what other people might think of your grateful disposition....
by Greg Kieszkowski | Jan 24, 2018
A picture is worth a thousand words. One thousand. Or so we were made to believe. Isn’t it funny though? How the rate of exchange on pictures and words, has remained the same for quite some time now? Funny. And so, the rate is set. A picture is worth a...