get out of your own way

  Get out of your own way and get a move on. Do it today.  Yes, before you find yourself in this exact spot next year, or the year after that, like you did last year, wondering the same thing over and over again. Feeling rotten about it. Do it before you...

second innocence

  Parenting is tough at times.   An unscripted adventure, full of interruptions, tantrums, screams, petulant foot stomping, and when the kids are there, they certainly don’t make it any easier either. Parenting is not for the faint of heart. ...

run and hide

  I have a bad habit of shutting down.  Several things have to go wrong in rapid succession for that to happen, but sometimes and inevitably they do, and that’s when I run and hide. From everyone and everything. I know I do it. I’m sometimes aware that I’m...

sometimes it all goes wrong

  Sometimes it all goes wrong and yesterday it did. Maybe the above statement is a touch melodramatic, but the late afternoon was certainly not very pleasant. On afternoons like this, I really struggle as a father. I struggle because there is no manual. There is...

don’t give up

  Don’t give up. Don’t give up your dreams and don’t you dare plan a yard sale. Don’t ever give up on yourself. No matter what. There will always be another day. There will always be another moment. To fix what’s broken. To repair, repurpose, and reconsider....