by Grzegorz Kieszkowski | May 4, 2018
We are a tribe and clan people. All of us. We identify ourselves by race, country, and religion but we are clan people. All of us identify and are at our best when we are not alone but are surrounded by like minded people. Because there is strength in numbers. There...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Feb 1, 2018
I had a chance to take my son to his first Toronto Maple Leafs game last night. It was an unbelievable evening, filled with a lifetime of memories, and a five – nothing shutout, is nothing to sniff at either. But the day turned out to be more than a lopsided...
by Greg Kieszkowski | Jan 17, 2018
For what? Why do you work so hard? Sweat so hard? Stress so much? For what? Why do you do it? For Money? Expanding all that magnificent effort, so you can gather a few bills in one place, and watch them grow? But it’s not really about the money, you say. You...