jan 22
The circle is now complete. These journals began on January 22, 2017 and the first one was about darkness. I found a quote by JRR Tolkien about fear and darkness and couldn’t help myself in reflecting on it. It’s a riddle and here it is… It cannot be seen, cannot be...

one to go
Today and tomorrow and that is it. The end of the road. Ok, so that probably sounds way too dramatic than it needs to be but I just can’t help myself counting down to the end of these short little journal entries and the beginning of m fictional career. After this...

Woohoo: number 900! Don’t forget to have fun. Yes. Don’t forget to have fun because it’s important. Neigh, neigh, its vital that we never forget to have a little fun. Always. Each and every day because otherwise life is a long hard road that isn’t much fun for...

tension – three to go
I am beginning to feel the tension. The tension that comes in planning the next phase of your life. Today is journal entry 899 and I am beginning to look ahead to what will be. I am so very grateful that I have someone in my life who wants to go on this journey with...

the right to be forgotten
Something interesting dawned on me this weekend and just for the record, not because I have something to hide. This is just a thought about the internet age we find ourselves in. It became clear to me this weekend that as human beings we have given up our right to be...

Today is Friday the 13th and we’re not supposed to have a good day. I don’t know who says we’re not supposed to have a good day, but that’s the word on the street, so we better obey, or roll our eyes and ignore the madness. I guess there is a level of comfort in...

7 more journal entries to go. That’s over 900 entries. 25 or so days until operation short fiction is fully in place. One day in the future I hope to do more will all those words that I wrote with purpose and meaning. I remember well how it all started. I was...

so much to learn
There is so much good in the world and so much to learn every day if only we would listen. It is rarer than we would probably like to admit. We do a lot of talking at each other, but with our one mouth flapping, we don’t utilize the two ears we were given often...

high road
I am noticing more and more that people like to disagree. I am not sure why that is and when I look back on my life I certainly loved disagreements too. Not consciously of course. No one is consciously looking to get into a fight, but I have always enjoyed a good...

infinite ideas
Here I am. Two weeks before Christmas break and three weeks before a new literary life of 2020 and beyond. I am beginning to look back at the last three years in particular and wonder how and who wrote what will soon be nine hundred journal entries. It just goes to...

story ideas
My mind is slowly shifting from writing self reflective motivational pieces to writing short fiction. Each day I listen to people and see if they have a story I can fictionalize and tell the world. I have even asked people I know for some funny or not so funny things...

it’s really that simple
Know what you want. Make a plan. Follow the plan. Make adjustments. Keep going no matter what. It’s really that simple. The secret to a happy and successful life. See it. Plan for it. Follow it and adjust along the way. It’s not easy. Nothing worth doing ever is,...

I was asked yesterday how I feel about children believing in Santa. One side of the argument goes that it is setting up children to have unrealistic views and ideas about the reality of our world. On the other side, the side I lend my voice too, lies the believe that...

found time
Sunday brought a lot of snow in these parts. Luckily it was the weekend and people could just stay home, not that this helped anyone that was on the roads that day. Snow kept falling and falling. Makes one very grateful that they don’t have a sidewalk to shovel. It...

black friday
This may not be a very popular sentiment but I don’t understand nor do I get swept up in the excitement of Black Friday. I just don’t get it. Probably because I am not a business who needs to turn a luck luster year into real profits. I don’t get it because I try to...